Academic Support

SSIS aims to provide a highly supportive environment for each child’s learning, helping each child to reach their full potential – both academically and socially – within an international school setting.


The English Language Acquisition (ELA) Programme (for Primary school students only) provides additional support to students who require extra assistance to learn the English Language. 

  • Highly Supportive Learning Environment

ELA English teachers provide a learning environment that will facilitate students’ adjustment to the language and culture of SSIS and aid the positive development of English proficiency. Students are taught English through academic content with exposure to rich oral and written communication.

  • Targeted Instruction

We place students in flexible groupings according to their assessed levels. Students move through learning groups as their language proficiency improves.

  • Regular Assessments and Reporting

We test all students initially and assess their progress regularly using standardised assessments, and a range of teacher-made evaluations in line with the English Language Development Standards (ELDS). Parents also receive an individualised report each term detailing progress made in the ELA programme.

  • Access to Online Learning

ELA students have exclusive access to online learning programmes that support language development at home.

  • Ongoing Support

The philosophy of ELA is to monitor and support all students for as long as necessary.


The Optimal Learning Programme is designed to meet both beginner learners who require extra support, and advanced learners who require greater extension and stimulation.


Greetings from SSIS Admissions Office!
2024-07-27 08:25:54
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