Campus Safety Measures

General Guidelines for All Visitors

  • All visitors must have an appointment with the relevant school staff or an invitation to an event.
  • Visitors will be required to submit their full names, mobile number and car license plate (if in-school parking is available) to the organiser, at least 1 working day in advance, which will be provided to security for verification on the day of entry.
  • Visitors are required to meet all of the following criteria for admission:
    • Your body temperature is below 37.3
    • You are encouraged to wear a face mask
  • Visitors will wear the SSIS issued card (visitor card or family card) and display it prominently at all times within the campus.
  • For the health and safety of the school community, visitors are requested to review the safeguarding guidelines before entering school campus.

Guidelines for Existing SSIS Families

In order for your child to enter the campus/board the school bus during school days, your child is required to:

  • Measure his/her temperature (below 37.3) at home
  • Encourage to wear mask before entering school

Please refer to the flowchart below on different scenarios health & safety measures in school.

Other Covid safety measures updates:

  • Mask wearing is optional though it is encouraged for all to do so when getting food, in crowded, confined spaces or when one is unwell. 
  • It is recommended to maintain hand-washing habit, to keep a reasonable social distance, disinfect personal belongings and ventilate the room regularly.
  • Temperature-taking procedures throughout the day will continue.

The Outdoor Activities Response Policy is an important part of our overall Campus Safety Policy . There are school routines and many different types of outdoor activities happening at SSIS during curriculum time and non-curriculum time. The level of safety, and learning are affected by environmental conditions and hence it is important that staff observe and follow the procedures and protocol to ensure the safety of participants, guests and staff.


Admission Guidelines for New Students

Before your child enters the campus/board the school bus, your child is required to:

  • Measure his/her temperature (below 37.3) at home
  • Encourage to wear mask before entering school
  • Please refer to the flowchart under ‘Guidelines for existing families’ > ‘Health & Safety Measures’ if your child experiences symptoms at home

Please note that the safety guidelines mentioned above are subjected to change according to latest directives given by the Minhang Education Bureau. If you have any enquiries, please feel free to email our Campus Safety Team at

Greetings from SSIS Admissions Office!
2024-07-27 08:26:24
If you have any enquiries related to our admissions process, we are online and ready to help. Your enquiry is important to us. Please leave your question and email address here if we do not respond in time - we promise to get back to you within 24 hours.
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