Message from Campus Principal (Operations)

T1W6 -13 Oct 2023

Dear Parents, 

Welcome back from the Golden Week break!  

This month will be a time for many travels where many of our autumn excursions will be taking place. While some will be day trips, many of our students from Grade 4 onwards will be experiencing overnight camps; and I believe for some of them for the very first time in their lives. We look forward to an enriching journey for all of them so that they will continue to be enthused and spark their passions for learning. In addition, many of our Senior School students will be representing the school for various sports competitions across China as we resume pre-Covid inter-school games. 

In order to enhance the safety and flow of the afternoon dismissal for students, the school has revised the plan and implemented it this week. Self-pick up parents will enter the lobby via the Preschool entrance and wait within the cordoned area for their child to be dismissed. Please kindly present your school ID cards to identify yourself to our teachers on duty. Preschool students will be dismissed from 3:15pm and Primary School students will be able to leave at 3:30pm. 

We would like to remind parents that scam messages and emails are prevalent and can happen to anyone. Should you receive any from our staff members and these messages contain requests to make payment or divulge personal information, please do communicate with the school to verify the credibility of the source and message

The school is also re-establishing complimentary services such as dental checks with our partner organisations. Parents will have the option to decide if they would like their child to participate in these services. We will share more information in due course. 

Finally, please enjoy the beautiful Autumn weather in Shanghai! 

Yours sincerely,

Greetings from SSIS Admissions Office!
2024-09-13 06:32:42
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