T1W9 – 28 Oct 2022
Dear Parents,
A very important step in developing purposeful relationships between family members and school staff is to meaningfully engage all stakeholders in a process characterised by common understandings and shared values. Bringing families into the school is not enough by itself; we as a school need to initiate efforts to build a trusting relationship between the faculty and families so that we can all work together to support student needs.
Unfortunately, over the last few years it has been extremely difficult to gather all members of the school community in one place, but this year we are making our best effort to provide such opportunities. We plan to host community events each month where staff and community members can come together and learn more about each other. Our upcoming Badminton & BBQ Day (this Sunday) is one such event. I would like to take this time to thank all SSIS families who have signed up. I am sure it will be wonderful coming together of school spirit and I hope this friendly competition will help develop positive relationships, build shared stories, and helps us all grow in the appreciation of all the talent and diversity we have in our community.
As a school, we need to continually support and foster this important home-school relationship and I look forward to working with all community members to initiate further activities that:
- Help family members feel comfortable in interacting with school staff by creating a welcoming culture,
- Assist staff to see the value and advantages of working with family members and in redefining what “involvement in school” means,
- Help staff see the importance of taking time to plan involvement strategies that include parents and community members, and
- Address barriers to family and community involvement
I hope these strategies can lead to greater family and community connections which in turn will lead to enhanced support for our students, a greater understanding of our school’s vision, and a deeper connection and commitment to student success.
Another community event that I am extremely excited about is our annual SSIS International Family Bazaar, organised by our Parent Support Group. Be sure to highlight 12 November on your calendar. This event is set to be spectacular. This year’s theme for the IFB is “Together, with Grateful Hearts”. I couldn’t think of more appropriate words to express our feelings. I look forward to seeing you all there.
Stronger Together,