Primary School News

T1W9 – 28 Oct 2022

Support for Students under Lockdown

We are introducing a hybrid learning plan where students who are under lockdown will be able to join core subject lessons (English, Chinese, Math, Science and Social Studies). This hybrid learning plan will allow students to engage in lessons. They will be able to work on and complete the same work as their peers.

Hybrid Learning Plan

  • All learning materials are uploaded on ManageBac for students to access.
  • During morning homeroom time each day, the co-form teachers will contact students in lockdown to make sure they understand the work that has been assigned and to check if they are doing ok.  Students should inform their co-form teachers if they are encountering difficulties.
  • The co-form teacher will contact the relevant subject teachers to give students support through a 15-minutes TEAMS meeting.
  • Teachers will Stream their lessons for students who cannot come to campus. The Streamed lessons is optional for students to attend and can be accessed the same way as during Distance Learning through the student’s ManageBac calendar.  

If your child is under lockdown, please contact their Homeroom Teacher so they can activate the hybrid learning plan.  If your child is experiencing negative feelings while under lockdown, please immediately contact the counsellor, Ms. Joy, for social-emotional support.

Reading Extravaganza Events

The SSIS Reading Extravaganza is coming up on November 7th to 11th! The Primary School is thrilled to welcome Baba the Storyteller, a professional speaker who practices the ancient West African storytelling craft known as Jaliyaa. He has received many awards over the years for his work as a folklorist, traditional harpist, storyteller, community activist and volunteer.

Please also note the dress up days below:

Monday 7 November: Book Character Dress Up Day – Students can dress up as their favorite book character – and bring the book as well!

Wednesday 9 November: Pyjamas Day – Students can wear their pyjamas to school

Enhancing the Heuristics Learning in Math

Problem-solving is the central focus of our mathematics curriculum. Students develop the ability to apply mathematics to a variety of situations. Heuristics strategies may be applied when students are presented with a novel or non-routine problem that they do not have a straightforward method or procedure to begin with.

The primary school has further streamlined heuristics learning in mathematics this year to cover the 11 strategies that will be taught progressively from Grade 1 to Grade 6. The heuristics strategies identified for each grade level are aligned to the topics learnt in each term, and teachers will explicitly integrate these heuristics into solving problems.

The 11 heuristics strategies are:

  1. Act it out
  2. Draw a diagram/model
  3. Make a systematic list
  4. Look for patterns
  5. Work backwards
  6. Before-after concept
  7. Guess and check
  8. Make suppositions
  9. Restate the problem
  10. Simplify the problem
  11. Solve part of the problem

Here are some students learning the heuristics strategies during their mathematics lessons.

Art Creations with our Artist-in-Residence, Mr. Kenneth Koh

There is a massive uptick in students’ enthusiasm and engagement in their visual art classes as they learn about and practice various painting techniques and expressionism.  A total of ten classes, spanning Grades 1 through 6, are participating in the A-I-R projects this term.  These projects were designed to develop teamwork and collaboration among the students. Students develop skills and attitudes such as communication, presentation, design and empathy.  While they explore other art genres, they also grow in art appreciation through these projects. All of us look forward to admiring the finished masterpieces.

Greetings from SSIS Admissions Office!
2024-09-10 08:29:42
If you have any enquiries related to our admissions process, we are online and ready to help. Your enquiry is important to us. Please leave your question and email address here if we do not respond in time - we promise to get back to you within 24 hours.
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