T2W2 – 9 Dec 2022
Dear Parents,
A big thank you to all parents who were able to attend last weekend’s Parent Teacher Conferences. It was exciting to see so many parents in school meeting with teachers and learning about their child’s progress.
Parent Teacher Conference Survey Link – Share your feedback with us!
The evidence about teacher/parent information sharing and relationship building is consistent, positive, and convincing: families have a major influence on their children’s achievement in school and throughout life.
When schools, families, and community members partner to support student learning, children tend to perform well in school, stay in school longer, and have a more positive educational experience. Schools themselves also see benefits from these efforts through greater support for their improvement efforts. Therefore, this is one reason why opportunities such as our teacher/parent conferences are so important.
While family and community involvement are not seen as a stand-alone improvement strategy to support student performance, there is growing evidence that family and community involvement can provide needed support for school improvement efforts. For family and community connections with schools to be effective, schools, in collaboration with families and community members, must create a structure that encourages and supports family and community members in their efforts to support student academic performance.
With this in mind, I would like to invite all parents to complete the attached simple survey so we can continue to review our procedures and together enhance the learning opportunities for our students.
Stronger Together,