Message from Head of School

T2W11 – 24 Feb 2023

Dear Parents, 

School uniforms play an important role in building strong and supportive communities and I for one believe in the positive impact and advantages of school uniforms. There have also been decades of study and research proving uniforms produce a wide range of benefits for communities, schools, parents and students but whenever the debate about school uniforms surfaces one is guaranteed to receive many different opinions.

At SSIS we have a compulsory age-appropriate uniform for all students, and we all need to take pride in the way it is presented, not just our children. Today I am asking all parents to support their children in the way their wear their uniform and represent our wonderful school. Please take some time to review their appearance prior to leaving the house in the morning. Give them praise for looking “good” and help them fine-tune when needed. At school, our teachers will reinforce the uniform code and support students who may need a little extra reminder.
These little things make a huge difference, and I need everyone in our learning community to work together so that we all reach our goals. I would also like to thank all those students that greet me each day at the gate appropriately dressed, smiling and ready to learn. It is also a great way to start the school day.

  • To finish today I would like to share a few more reasons why wearing a school uniform is important:
  • A school uniform helps students feel pride in their appearance. This starts from a very early age.
  • It brings uniformity and equality among students.
  • It develops belongingness in their mind and helps them feel a part of the wider community.
  • It helps develop a shared learning environment.
  • It helps children develop routines.
  • It helps students prepare for the school day.
  • It improves punctuality and time management.

Have a wonderful weekend and please refer to the image for the spring uniform.

Yours sincerely,

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2024-09-20 18:31:15
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