Greetings from Head of School

T2W9 — 1 Mar 2024

Dear Parents, 

This week I had the chance to meet with our PSG and our class parent representative. These wonderful volunteers are a vital component of our school community, and I would like to publicly acknowledge they willingness to help our school.

Volunteering has an enormous impact on schools and the children of those parents who have the ability to volunteer in some capacity.

Here are several benefits of volunteering at school:

1. Volunteering Makes a Difference in your Child’s Education

Children whose parents are involved in their schools do better. Research has shown that children of a school volunteer tend to perform better in assessments and class work. These children also tend to have higher levels of positive wellbeing, have better attendance, and are more likely to more actively engaged in their education. The more parents participate at school, the more successful their children can be.

2. Time with your children!

Our children spend A LOT of time at SSIS. Becoming a school volunteer gives you the opportunity to share in their school experience with them. It also allows you to see your children in a different environment. It’s rewarding to watch them as they put, they developing skills into action.

3. Volunteering Helps Create Community

Volunteering at school is a great way to connect with other parents and create a circle of adult friends. This is a very important issue for many parents attending an international school. It is difficult sometimes to meet new adult friends when you move to a different city or country. Volunteering will help you establish your friendship circle and find your belonging.

4. Get to know the teachers

Your child’s teacher and other faculty members at SSIS are your partners in parenting during the school year. They have a tremendous impact on children, both academically and socially. Having a presence at school is a great way to get to know them better and show them your support.

5. Volunteering Makes our School Better

One of SSIS’s strengths is that we have a long history in parent participation, and this has made us stronger.  There are so many demands placed on schools and any volunteering effort can help bridge that gap and make a difference. Partnering with staff will allow them to do what they do best—educate our children.

6. Volunteering Allows You to Use Your Strengths

Volunteering is a great way to showcase your strengths. At SSIS we are blessed to have a lot of parent expertise. Please share your knowledge and use the skills that come naturally to you. If you love baking, sign up to help with the IFD, if you have an expertise in public speaking contact any principal and perhaps speak at an assembly. The choices are wide. We can all learn from each other.

7. Volunteering is Good for Your Health

I can’t share the benefits of volunteering without mentioning that it’s good for your health. Research shows that people who volunteer live longer, have lower stress levels, and are generally healthier. You can’t beat an opportunity that allows you to spend more time with your children AND decreases your stress.

Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Stronger Together, 

Mr. Shirley

Head of School

Greetings from SSIS Admissions Office!
2024-10-22 10:33:47
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