Community News

T3W8 – 12 May 2023

Dear Parents,

“Bling It On” Ladies’ Luncheon Event

Calling for all SSIS super moms!  

Let’s dress up and celebrate our amazing moms with a special ladies’ luncheon and jewellery-making workshop. 

It is a perfect time to meet other SSIS moms, have some fun and create your own personalised gifts sponsored by Windy Jewellery. 
您将有机会结识其他SSIS妈妈,享受美好时光,并亲手设计制作由Windy Jewellery赞助的私人订制礼物。 

Dress code: Summer Chic  

Date 日期: Friday 26 May 2023 星期五5月26日 
Time 时间: 11:00 – 14:00 

Price 价格: 168 RMB / person (buffet lunch自助午餐) 

Venue 场地: Grand Millennium Hotel (Ground Floor O’Cafe Restaurant), 2588 Yan An Xi Road, Changning  

We recommend booking your tickets ASAP to avoid disappointment as seats are limited. Please scan the QR code on the poster below to RSVP and make your payment by Monday May 22nd. 

Refund Policy: Tickets are transferable, but NO REFUND requests will be accepted unless in the unlikely event of cancellation or postponement due to the acts of government authorities, natural disasters, or other emergencies beyond a party’s reasonable control.  
退款政策: 入场劵可转赠,但不支持退款,除不可抗拒原因,如政府行为、自然灾害或超出一方合理控制的紧急情况而取消或推迟活动。 

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. 

Upcoming SSIS Community Events

  • 26 May Friday Mom’s/Ladies’ Event
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2024-10-22 10:32:07
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