Primary School News

T2W4 – 12 Jan 2024

Dear Families,

Welcome Back! A New Year of Exciting Learning Awaits!

We hope this message finds you well and that you had a restful and joyful winter break surrounded by loved ones. As we embark on a brand-new year, we extend our warmest welcome back to the SSIS community!

We trust that the holiday season provided you with opportunities to create lasting memories and recharge for the exciting months ahead. As we step into the second half of the school year, we are thrilled to continue the journey of growth, learning, and achievement with your children.

Here are a few important updates and reminders to help ensure a smooth transition back into the school routine:

  1. Arriving at School on time:
    • Please ensure your child arrives at school on time, ready to engage in a day filled with exciting learning experiences. (Homeroom time starts at 8:30 am).
  2. Weather Awareness:
    • As the winter season continues, please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Layers are key to staying warm during chilly mornings and comfortable indoor temperatures.
  3. Health and Safety:
    • We continue to prioritize the health and safety of our students and staff.
    • We do not recommend that parents send children to school if he or she is running a fever (above 99.1 °F or 37.3 °C) in the morning. A child must be fever-free (below 99.1 °F or 37.3 °C) for at least 48 hours, without the use of fever medication, before being allowed back to school.
  4. Parent Involvement:
    • We encourage parents to actively participate in school events and engage with the school community.
    • Stay tuned for opportunities to volunteer or attend parent workshops.
  5. Communication Channels:
    • If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress, please contact the subject teacher or schedule a parent-teacher conference.
    • Our lines of communication are always open. Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us via 6221 9288.

We are looking forward to an enriching and successful second half of the school year. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child’s education.

Wishing you and your family a fantastic start to 2024!

Kind regards,

Tony Rampton

Primary School Principal

Building Tomorrow – G2’s Eco-Tunes and Grade 5’s Sustainable Dream Homes! 🌍🎶🏠

In our ever-evolving STEAM programme, a symphony of innovation and sustainability is echoing through our classrooms. Let’s delve into the latest updates from our Grade 2 and Grade 5 projects, where creativity intertwines with global responsibility.

G2’s Harmonious Journey into Sound: 🎶

In the colorful world of Grade 2 in week 5 the air will be filled not just with musical notes but also with environmental consciousness. Our young musicians will not only be crafting instruments but are doing so with a green twist—utilising recyclable materials. This hands-on experience not only enriches their understanding of sound but also instills a deep appreciation for responsible consumption and production, aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 12.

Grade 5’s Sustainable Dream Homes: 🌱🏠

Our Grade 5 architects are on a mission to redefine the concept of dream homes. Their STEAM project extends beyond design, incorporating thorough research on sustainable practices. Each student is exploring how their dream home can be a model for sustainable cities and communities, aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 11 and 12.

Decoding the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities: The Grade 5 project resonates with this goal by promoting the development of cities that are inclusive, resilient, and sustainable. Through their sustainable dream homes, students contribute to creating living spaces that harmonise with the environment.

Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production: Both projects align with this goal by emphasizing responsible consumption of materials and integrating eco-friendly practices. From using recyclable materials in Grade 2 to researching sustainable practices for dream homes in Grade 5, our students are embodying the spirit of responsible production and consumption.

By weaving the United Nations’ SDGs into our STEAM projects, we empower our students to be global citizens, understanding the interconnectedness of their actions with the broader world.

Stay tuned for more updates as our students continue to innovate and inspire on their journey towards a sustainable world.

The Scholarship Policy and full details about the application process are available on the school website.

The deadline for applications is Thursday, 22nd February. Should you have queries or need guidance through the application process, please contact the Homeroom teacher, Mr Gaynor ( or Ms Naidoo ( Mr Gaynor eagerly awaits reviewing the applications and learning about students’ scholarship initiatives.

On Tuesday, the grade 6 students got to experience a morning in the senior school. The transition from Grade 6 to Grade 7 is a significant milestone in a student’s academic journey, and the importance of a dedicated transition day cannot be overstated. This transition marks the shift from primary school to high school, representing a crucial period of personal and educational development. The Grade 6 to 7 transition day serves several important purposes in facilitating a smooth and successful shift for students

  • Familiarization with New Environment
  • Understanding Expectations and Procedures
  • Meeting Teachers and Staff
  • Addressing Concerns and Anxieties

The Grade 6 to 7 transition morning plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and successful adjustment for students entering a new phase of their academic journey. By addressing various aspects of the transition, we can create a supportive and welcoming environment that sets the stage for a positive and enriching high school experience.

Visual Arts:

Grade 1 students have been busy exploring “Imaginitive Monsters” using watercolors, oil pastels, and black outline pens, drawing inspiration from Maurice Sendak’s “Where the Wild Things Are”.

Grade 2 students have been exploring their Paul Klee projects and using watercolors to work within the realm of abstract art, inspired by Klee’s work ‘The Castle and the Sun’.

Grade 3 students have been exploring chalk pastel techniques, and have been creating abstract portraits based on the work of Sandra Swilberzweig. Silberzweig’s work is known for its emotional depth and expressive qualities. Students have been exploring how colors, shapes, and patterns can be used to convey emotions and tell personal stories through their art.

Grade 4 students have been exploring Collective Artwork to promote environmental responsibility. This has led to students creating work that displays the need for responsibiilty in caring for the environment and addressing ocean pollution. Student work is displayed in a four-floor exhibition in the primary building stairwell, illustrating the need for intervention in the pollution crisis.

Grade 5 students have begun looking at the basics of color theory and its application in painting furniture. Students are taught how to select and apply color schemes for furniture painting, and how to prepare furniture for painting by mixing paint colors effectively. The final product of this unit will be actual pieces of painted furniture, which students will display.

Grade 6 students have been working on their Zentangle sculptures and embarking on a creative journey inspired by the work of American artist Charles McGee. McGee was a renowned artist known for his diverse portfolio that included paintings, Zentangle art, assemblages, and sculptures. In this program, students will focus on Zentangle art, a meditative and pattern-based drawing technique. They will also delve into the fundamental principles of design to create expressive and visually captivating Zentangle artworks.


Grade 1 and 2 students are exploring the theme of ‘Seasons’ though music, and the different ways in which they can express the idea of seasons through movement and singing. Students use body percussion, their voices, and unpitched percussion to explore the the sounds of seasons.

Grade 3 students are exploring African drums and non-traditional rhythmic patterns. Students use simple signs to compose their patterns and off-beat rhythms.

Students explore the Master drum signal: stop and start, call and response, as well as chanting rhythms and memorizing djembe phrases.

Grade 4 students are learning the basics of the recorder, including how to hold the recorder, breath control, and producing a clear sound on the instrument. They are also learning the song ‘Chinese New Year’ for the upcoming Bamboozled musical production

Grade 5 students have begun preparing the song ‘Let’s Go To the Zoo’ for the Bamboozled musical production. They have also been exploring instruments and how to use these to create the sounds of water in various environments—waterfalls, waves, water drops, and rain.

Grade 6 students have also begun preparing the song ‘Let’s Go To the Zoo’. They will also continue to work on ukulele chords and the song ‘Riptide’ this term.

Greetings from SSIS Admissions Office!
2024-10-22 10:33:39
If you have any enquiries related to our admissions process, we are online and ready to help. Your enquiry is important to us. Please leave your question and email address here if we do not respond in time - we promise to get back to you within 24 hours.
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