Parents’ Voice | “A Transformed Person”

SSIS has always been a home that nurtures and nourishes students to reach their potential, though parents also play a crucial role in the child’s learning journey. We interviewed several student leaders’ parents to understand how their child has progressed over the years and learn what factors helped with their development.\

Paarth K. Sharma
Grade 11
Joined SSIS since 2011

During his time at SSIS, Paarth has found multiple ways to contribute to the SSIS community. He has taken on numerous leadership roles—Secretary General of MUN, leader of the student-led tech project the Build Your Own School (BYOS)—and has always shown himself to be a holistic learner. He also was a former Student Councillor, a World Scholar’s Cup scholar and was an organising member of the TEDxTianshan Park event. 

The following content is from Paarth’s parents: Mr. Mukesh Sharma and Mrs. Nidhi Sharma.

A decade with SSIS has changed Paarth completely. He has grown into a very confident child with excellent communication and academic skills. His confidence and communication skills were developed through Model United Nation activities; Paarth helped elevate MUN to the next level by organising the first multi-school MUN at SSIS—it was a proud moment for us, witnessing the event in 2019. 

His academic excellence got honed through participation in the World Scholar’s Cup; he received 14 gold medals and represented SSIS in Singapore. As a technologist and as a parent, I witnessed their BYOS project come to life, and it mesmerised us, the whole school, and beyond. That was the moment when we knew that he needed wings to realise his dreams.

His teachers and the principals have played a significant role in his development. The curriculum is the right mix of academic rigour and personal development; teachers never overload him with work. He always has time to develop his hobbies, such as writing and learning musical instruments. He developed a strong reading habit (he read 95 books in Grade 4!) and wrote his memoir ‘My First Book’ in Grade 5. All his school teachers have always been supporting him—that encouraged him to do better.

At SSIS, we aspire to develop all students to their full potential—to teach them the right values, create a mindset for excellence, and nurture them to become future global leaders with a strength of character and love for humanity.

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