Message from Head of School

T1W2 – 9 September 2022

Dear Parents, 

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to all!

It has been so wonderful to see our students back in school for a full week of learning. The hallways, classrooms, and outdoor areas of SSIS have certainly come alive with learning, laughter, and excitement. I also would like to commend our students for the way they have approached the new school year. From day one, our students have been actively involved in their lessons and they have already committed themselves to a wide variety of after-school activities and CCAs. The school is humming! 

One of my personal goals this year is to reinforce the importance of positive community engagement because I believe that when schools, families, and communities begin to come together, everyone benefits. Over the last few years this has been difficult as restrictions have placed many barriers in our path but as the connections start to reopen, students will receive that extra support and confidence that will help them succeed in school and in life. That is the added value that a positive school community can provide! It is also interesting to note that current research has shown that these meaningful community engagement efforts can positively impact student attendance, student performance, family-school relationships, and community support of school needs (Jordan, Orozco, & Averett, 2001; Henderson & Mapp, 2002; Boethel, 2003 & 2004).  

A lot of people assume that teachers, administrators, family members, and students share a common understanding of how family and community members can and should be involved with schools. However, it is important to understand that various stakeholders in our SSIS community hold numerous viewpoints and beliefs. We also need to remember that some parents have not even experienced “pre-covid life” as parents and only know our school and the community from behind a mask. This has seen many parents miss out on school opportunities such as invitations to special classroom activities, assemblies, PSG meetings, parenting programs, volunteering, excursions, and other such school events. I dearly hope that this year things will begin to change for all of us.  

To help us prepare for positive school engagement I would like to invite all community members to spend two minutes on the attached survey about how you would like to be involved in our SSIS community this year.

Please click on this link to fill in the survey. 

Stronger Together, 

Greetings from SSIS Admissions Office!
2024-09-20 18:30:02
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