Preschool (Early Years) News

T1W4 – 22 Sept 2023

Dear Families, 

I hope this newsletter finds you well!  Our students have settled into their routines beautifully, and learning is in full swing. Our dedicated team of educators has created an engaging and supportive learning environment for every child. We are witnessing tremendous growth and many, many smiles.

Future Global Leader Attributes at Weekly Assemblies:

Each week the Preschool students gather for our divisional assembly. Through engaging activities, discussions, and student involvement we inspire our students to become confident, compassionate, and responsible individuals. Our counselor, Ms. Joy, has been unpacking the SSIS attribute of ‘Communicator’ this month and the students have been all ears!

Student-Led Inquiry:

Discovery learning, student-led inquiry and student empowerment are vital in the Early Years! Preschool is filled with vibrant displays of curiosity and exploration. Our K1 students conducted a survey asking teachers ‘What can you do?’ and ‘What are you good at?’ as part of their unit on ‘Community Helpers’.  

Our K2 students have been learning about different countries and how we have different parts to our identity. As a group project, they have been asking ‘Where are you from?’, ‘What languages can you speak’ and other thought-provoking questions!

Home-school Partnership:

Parents and caregivers can further support the inquiry process by:

  1. Asking your children higher thinking questions including causes, effects and comparisons.
  2. Creating rich environments for exploration. Nature is always a good idea as you never know what you might see!
  3. Listen! Be an active listener to your child’s creative stories. This will empower their sense of confidence and help you understand their thought process.

Save the Date: Preschool NatureFest – October 27th:

We are thrilled to announce the 2nd annual Preschool NatureFest is scheduled for October 27th. NatureFest is a celebration of the natural world, and it promises to be an unforgettable day filled with exciting activities and opportunities for families to connect with each other. It will be an afternoon event running from 15:00-18:00; save the date and more details about NatureFest will be shared in the coming weeks.

Have a lovely weekend!

Kind Regards,

Dr. Sonia Barghani

Preschool (Early Years) Principal

Greetings from SSIS Admissions Office!
2024-09-20 18:32:39
If you have any enquiries related to our admissions process, we are online and ready to help. Your enquiry is important to us. Please leave your question and email address here if we do not respond in time - we promise to get back to you within 24 hours.
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