Preschool Graduation Ceremony

The Preschool Graduation ceremony was held on Thursday 19 June, and the auditorium could barely contain the children’s excitement. After emcee Ms Marie TANG, Preschool Coordinator welcomed the students (and their parents, watching on the live-stream), School Principal Ms Billie LEONG reminded everyone that graduation was a ceremony that was important in the life of each student: “I am very proud of all of them. Proud of how well they have turned out, proud of their accomplishments and successes and how they adapted and overcame challenges along the way in this extraordinary year,” she added.

The kids were treated to a heartwarming video montage created by the K2 teachers and one by one, they trooped on stage to receive their certifications to mark the end of one phase and the start of another. To end the ceremony, Preschool Principal Ms CHAY Kit See gave them some words of wisdom.

We’re confident that our children are well-equipped to take on the next part of their educational path. They have a good foundation, and we have given them a great start in life. So, my parting words to you all: Take on challenges, love learning, laugh more, be empathetic, be a global citizen, and be all you can be.

CHAY Kit See
Preschool Principal 

This is a sweet ending to your journey in Preschool, and we will see you in Primary School soon!

Click here to learn about SSIS Preschool Curriculum.

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