Message from Campus Principal (Operations)

T2W9 – 10 Feb 2023

Dear SSIS Community, 

We hope that all of us have settled into a post-CNY routine and are looking forward to the rest of the term with renewed vigour and enthusiasm. 

We are delighted to share new updates to our daily school routines as guided by the SEC, with effect from 13 February 2023 (Monday). 

  1. Entry to School 

All students and staff will no longer be required to provide PCR or antigen test results when entering the school. This applies to all new students and visitors too. 
The only exception is for students who have just recovered from fever or Covid and they will be required to produce a negative antigen test kit at the gate or to the bus monitor before being able to return to school. Parents will also be asked to give consent for participation in physical activity for their child who just recovered from Covid. 

  1. Wearing of Masks 

Mask wearing is optional though it is encouraged for all to do so when in crowded, confined spaces or when one is unwell.  

  1. Taking of Temperature 

Temperature-taking twice a day is still a requirement to facilitate daily reporting to the authorities; the first temperature is taken at the gate or when boarding the bus and the second temperature is taken at mid-day around lunchtime. 

  1. Lunch Arrangements 

We have reinstated canteen seating arrangements to its regular capacity and buffet lunch with the usual spread will resume for all Senior school students and staff. 

  1. Face-to-face Learning 

With the resumption of face-to-face learning, we are glad that regular in-person lessons have been taking place since January 2023. With the above revised guidelines, we anticipate with optimism that teaching and learning will take place in school for the benefit of our students. As such, there will no longer be any provision of hybrid learning for any absences from school. We strongly recommend all students who are ill or show symptoms to stay home, rest and recover completely before returning to school. 

Stronger Together

Yours sincerely,

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